Is this fiction, non-fiction or something different? Anna and Johanna - a book to own.
Category unknown – but very wonderful indeed! Part fiction. Part non-fiction. Aha! 'Inspired by', that is the key. Each time I look at...

Two Newbury Honor Books. One old. One New.
I know it is not always easy to find books that challenge and entertain this age group, but I think readers of all ages will appreciate...

Two Books – One old and one new, both featured in this review!
Celebrate you children and their unique and wonderful traits!

Lucky you! Three books to review!
Recently, I came across a unique opportunity to be part of a group to thank the producers of three picture books. Author Miranda Paul...

The Mouse and the Moon Review
A Little BIt About Books January Book Choice Don’t walk... run…to your local bookstore or library and request The Mouse and the Moon...

Re-Entry OR What to do When You Get Back from a Conference, A Writer's Perspective
The conference ends. You re-enter your world, get the mail, hello to your family, perhaps pick the dog up from the boarder, make sure...