Elizabeth Wilcox Saba
A Little Bit About Books...and reading...and writing...and...
A Little Bit About...Me

I have been a reader all of my life but a writer, well that is another story(a long one). You chose the A Little Bit About so just a little bit then...I used to tell stories about who knows what and people would say, “You need to write that down.” And so I did. Then someone said, “You need to write a book.” And so I started. And then I stopped. And then I started. And then I stopped. Until one day I saw an article in the newspaper entitled Camp for Adults. There were so many choices, Cooking Camp in France, Hiking Camp in Montana, Writing Camp in the Hamptons, double take, Writing Camp in the Hamptons! Now there’s an adventure. And so it began…my actual writing journey. Camp turned into an Advanced Graduate Certificate in Creative Writing(kind of like a mini MFA)...the journey continues!!
A Little Bit About...Advocacy
Encourage reading! I do that! I am a volunteer reader at our local homeless shelter and I teach reading for fluency and comprehension to 3rd-5th grade students in my local public school. There are many ways to be involved in literacy now. Try your local library for reading opportunities, find out about advocacy groups in your area like First Things First or Expect More.
Encourage writing! As a member of the Literary & Prologue Society of the Southwest, I have the opportunity to read and judge highschool students' short stories. The winner receives scholarship money for college. It is extremely refreshing to read the work of some future authors.